Just what I need another blog. I hope this one will be a bit different. You won't find free instruments here, but rather reviews of whatever happens to strike my fancy. I suspect mostly this will be digital musical instruments. I've acquired many instrument across the last few years and now I want to focus on actually going through and playing around with each one. Analyzing the strengths and weakness and simply enjoying them. Since I tend a focus better if I write down my thoughts and I tend to have a poor memory, it can good for me to make notes about the instruments. So why not inflict... err... share them with my friends on a blog.
As I'm barely a musician if at all, just learning the rudiments of composition and mostly known as a freebie developer with limited knowledge even there, it might be odd for me to do a review site. However the advantage to being a neophyte is that you tend to have a sense of wonder and a more down to earth approach that can different than that of the truly brilliant and well trained musician. With my experience of making instruments I also have a deep appreciation for the wonderful and often massive projects that are available to use today in the digital musical world. As a small developer I might also have some insights into technical matters that the reviewer from a regular background might not notice.
I will be picky at times and will sometimes examine at the trees while trying to remember to focus on the forest as well. If I offend any developers I apologize. I really do respect what you do and the immense efforts that going into many of these productions. I am not however anyone's cheerleader nor being paid and I believe that honesty can sometime be lacking in reviews, so I'll call them as I see them.
Note that the reviews will be somewhat backwards as they are posted. Since blogs are by nature backwards, my first post of a review will often be the instruments that usually come at the back end of review such as percussion in an orchestral review and the last thing I write will be both the conclusion and introduction.
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